Our puppies are usually placed at about 8 weeks of age. Head Start Puppies live in our home for an additional three weeks until 11 weeks of age giving them positive and broad socialization experiences as they are growing through their critical Sensitive Development Period.
Is the Head Start Program right for you?
To find out, ask yourself the following...
Do I have time to visit a lot of different places during this time period with my puppy?
Am I able to spend most of my day, seven days a week, with my new puppy?
Can I handle getting up in the middle of the night to let my puppy out to use the bathroom?
Can I limit crate time for my puppy to just night time and maybe 2 hours during the day?
Can I engage my puppy for non-bullying playtime with other breeds of dogs?
Do I have the time and skill needed to install the foundation of basic obedience?
Can my family and I be very patient with my puppy as he/she is learning to be with us?
Can I reduce the risk of my puppy having a traumatic experience during this critical development stage?
Can I teach my puppy good manners in a positive and motivational way?
Am I able to teach my puppy not to pull on a leash and take short walks every day?
If you answered "No" to most of these questions, our Head Start Puppy Program or hiring a personal trainer might be good options for you and your family.